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PRIDE AND GLORY by Gavin O’Connor


After four police officers get shot in a failed drug-bust, Ray Tierney (Edward Norton) is coaxed into assisting the investigations by his father Francis (Jon Voight). The shooting took place in brother Francis Tierney, Jr.’s (Noah Emmerich) district, and brother-in-law Jimmy Eagan (Colin Farrell) is also investigating. The investigation leads Ray into the very territory he knows all too well and which he feared – it seems corrupt cops are involved into the shooting of the four cops, maybe even members of his own Irish clan. Ray is torn between his duty and the code of honor of both his family and the New York Police to protect it’s own.

For some reason Pride and Glory was almost abandoned by New Line but finally released almost a year late. Despite widely negative reviews (34% positive reviews only at Rotten Tomatoes), it remains a mystery why the studio seems to hate the movie. Pride and Glory is, admittedly, not the most original corrupt-cop-thriller and it has it’s weak spots, but it’s a gritty cop-thriller with enjoyable performances (especially by Ed Norton) and way better than, let’s say – Miami Vice.

Colin Farrell and Edward Norton  Edward Norton as Ray Tierney in Pride and Glory 

Pride and Glory Movie Trailer

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