BRÜNO by Larry Charles
“Brüno”, a gay Austrian fashion reporter, is the latest fictional character from Sacha Baron Cohen’s Da Ali G Show to appear on the big screen, after Borat and Ali G himself in Ali G Indahouse – The Movie.
In Da Ali G Show Bruno’s shtick is to expose his pompous celeb interview partners as vacuous, homophobic or extremely right-wing, but in Brüno he is fired from his show Funkyzeit and aims to become a celebrity in the USA himself. That’s probably why Brüno‘s (excuse for a) plot and many of the episodes feel like scripted for Borat, not Brüno. Considering that Borat is the much more likable character compared to the over-the-top obtrusive Brüno, and that many of the scenes feel much more staged than those in Borat, it makes Brüno look like a second-class Borat 2 with a higher gross-out level.
The best scenes are those where Brüno is in his element – when he talks to two PR ladies to find a world problem he can solve with little effort and maximum publicity, or when he interviews parents who would do anything to make their little kids famous.
But all in all, the 5 or 10 minute-episodes in Da Ali G Show where Brüno comes from suit him much better than a feature film.
Brüno Movie Trailer