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Movie Reviews - new films reviewed


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Archive for July, 2012

OSOMBIE by John Lyde

Sunday, July 15th, 2012

Former NYC fireman and conspiracy theorist Derek (Jasen Wade) is out there in Afghanistan to once and for all kill Osama bin Laden who he is convinced is not really dead. His sister Dusty (Eve Mauro) follows him to rescue him and joins a team of US special forces. Together they shoot and slash their […]

SPACE COMMAND by Marc Zicree

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

A passion project of Marc Zicree, writer of Star Trek – The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Babylon 5, Sliders and more, SPACE COMMAND will be a series of independently produced Science Fiction movies in the tradition of the optimistic SF of the 1950’s. You can even become a co-producer of SPACE COMMAND.